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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What Our Fire Restoration Services Include for Teaneck Homeowners

6/22/2024 (Permalink)

B&A soot cleanup from fire SERVPRO can simplify soot cleanup in Teaneck homes by using special sponges. This photo illustrates our slogan, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO® Saves Your Fire Damaged Home in Teaneck

After a fire, homeowners in Teaneck want to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. SERVPRO can help with this enormous task. Our training and equipment prepare us to handle all aspects of a thorough fire restoration.

Regarding fire restoration in Teaneck, homeowners can trust SERVPRO's proven techniques. With our extensive experience, we are committed to addressing every aspect of the restoration process, allowing your family to move forward without any lingering reminders of the traumatic event.

To accomplish this, we need to perform diverse tasks, including:

  • Intensive cleaning,
  • Addressing the destruction of contents and structure,
  • Eliminating by-products from extinguishing the fire, and
  • Managing odors.

The interior of your home can be left highly contaminated. We clean everything with scented cleaning compounds that quickly cut through the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other substances. Promptly removing soot deposits on surfaces is often sufficient without further attention. During our work, we keep our air scrubbing units running to prevent soot particles from resettling.

Everything inside a home during a fire is susceptible to damage. Part of fire restoration includes removing these items, taking inventory, and helping our customers find replacements. When rebuilding is required, we can handle the details.

Putting a fire out causes additional damage that requires restoration. Water can continue spreading via water vapor in the air, resulting in rusted components and microbial infestations. Water damage after a fire is a common issue. We use methods that include desiccant machines and negative air pressure chambers.

Heated smoke can more easily penetrate areas than cooler smoke. However, the smaller a soot particle becomes as it disintegrates, the more likely it is to become airborne again. We use thermal fogging, activated charcoal, scented oils, and other methods to eliminate unwanted odors and replace them with more pleasant ones. Dry sponges can help to remove soot from walls and ceilings. Customers appreciate the quick cleanup, when possible, without demolition or high costs.

Call SERVPRO of Teaneck / Englewood at (201) 266-0482 for expert assistance with fire restoration tasks, including water damage prevention.

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